The Launch of Redemption & Ruin has been a success!

You never really know what to expect when you launch a new book. But I have to say I'm thrilled with the response to the release of "Redemption & Ruin." The first few reviews are trickling in and they've been extremely kind, and somewhat flattering to be honest. I even had one reviewer compare my writing style to a legend of the genre.
Here's a couple of review highlights so far:
"[Cesca's] style is reminiscent of Terry Brooks, with a variety of interesting and heroic characters, a world of magic, and a quest to save the world from evil."
-Amazon Review
"Mr. Cesca pulls you into this land and its characters and landscapes and engages the reader with the numerous dangers faced, obstacles overcome, and relationships deepened, until you realize you really care about what happens. I couldn't put this story down!"
-Amazon Review
The Shannara novels by Terry Brooks are well known and respected books in the fantasy community, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't blown away by such a compliment. I hope to have a fraction of the career that Mr. Brooks has had - I would consider that a massive success for an indie author like myself.
In addition to that incredibly positive feedback, "Redemption & Ruin" has shown strong sales over it's first thirty days. It launched on June 23rd, and that catapulted June up to the second best month of sales I've had, falling behind only last August when "The Forbidden Scrolls" launched. Or I should say that June WAS my second best month, but July surpassed last month's sales total today with another seven days to go!
Needless to say, I'm shocked and blown away. Normally the month of a book's launch is the strongest month that book will ever get. But so far, "Redemption & Ruin" has had staying power. And the release of the second book in the trilogy has brought in some folks who are trying out "The Forbidden Scrolls" for the first time as well.
So I've typed all of this in order to say this: Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I'm still a very small fish in the ocean, but seeing my book finding it's way into people's hands in why I do this. I love storytelling. I love leaving an impression on people. And I love that people are supporting my dream. I hope you all enjoy Juliya's tale. And I hope you know I'm more motivated than ever to finish her story.